At PS 145, we embolden students to make an impact on our world through engagement in authentic, rigorous, culturally-relevant, student driven learning experiences. In collaboration with families, staff, and the students themselves, we empower students to become leaders in their school, their community, and the world.
The goal of our dual language program is to provide instruction in English and Spanish that supports students in becoming biliterate, bilingual and bicultural with the long term goal of becoming global citizens.
The program serves a maximum of eight students with autism in a Special Class (SC). The class is taught by one special education teacher and one classroom paraprofessional. Opportunities for inclusion with general education students are encouraged.
The 3K & PreK program offers early start education for young children.
- Our 3K and Pre- K use the program Creative Curriculum. - The students learn all academic subjects by engaging in play based activities. - Teachers work with children in small group centers
For the 2024-2025 school year we will offer afterschool for 3K and Pre-K from 2:30-5:00 PM. If you are interested please fill out the google form linked here.